Ghana July 2014

Ghana, July 2014

While I’ve flown for work before, I’ve never been abroad for work. (I had visited Northern Ireland several times in a previous job). But now I am having this experience for the very first time. Two weeks of injections, potions, concoctions and restless nights ensured I was ready for my trip to Ghana. I was to be flying in on Friday night, teaching Saturday and Sunday, and flying home overnight on Sunday. I even had to get from a Heathrow land at 6am for a meeting at the university at 9am which I could not be excused from. Tough at the top eh!! 

I’ve always loved flying, not even just being on a plane, but the whole airport experience, no one is miserable in an airport, everyone is in their best mood, that makes it a nicer time, certainly nicer than being in the office. After my 6 hour flight from Heathrow to Accra I had my first African experience, customs and baggage, wow!!!! I thought that took me off guard. Then I had to go the arrivals hall. Now arrivals hall may be doing it too much, Accra airport arrivals hall is the graceful name for the car park, an area of waste ground outside the side door of the airport where people either look for their transport, or freeze in fear. 

 The world cup quarter finals were on, two matches had taken place when I was in the air, I made the fatal error of asking a group of guys watching the latest game on a giant screen what the results were. This saw me earn a gaggle of new friends eagerly offering to carry my bags, or least I like to think that if I had let go they would have of course followed me to me waiting driver, but that is the eternal optimist in me talking, after a short roller coaster ride, sorry drive, to my hotel, I was ready to sample the local lager and get down for the night. Club lager is actually quite nice.

After a morning workout and what was a nice lunch I heading off to meet my students. I really enjoy meeting international students, their experiences and backgrounds are so varied, and different to mine, that it can be a learning experience for both parties. This group are accountants and managers from a wide range of industries, they can bring real world experience to the theoretical areas we discuss in class.

Following two days of stimulating debate and discussion it was time to go home. I am disappointed I didn’t more time to spend exploring Ghana, but this flying visit really didn’t allow it.

I made the 9am meeting, and stayed awake through even though not sleeping on the overnight flight home.

My three takeaways from the trip were

1) While Africa is beautiful, the roads can be up and down, literally!
2) Some peoples definition of one carry bag per person is questionable
3) Don’t drink the water, or go in the pool!!!!!!!!!!!

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